Hi all. I am new to Kannel, and have been trying to get sms being sent to my 
application. I am able to send sms to a mobile phone from my application but 
cannot receive from a mobile phone. I have had sleepless nights on this. Any 
one can see my fault? I am using a Huawei Dongle. Fakesmsc was ok, even when I 
use get-url in the addressbar, it passes %p, %P, %q, %Q and %r to my database.

I have run ./bearerbox then ./sqlbox qnd then ./smsbox

Below are my configurations. Any assistance will be appreciated.


#Sample configuration file for Kannel bearerbox on Debian.
# See the documentation for explanations of fields.

# HTTP administration is disabled by default. Make sure you set the
# password if you enable it.

group = core
admin-port = 13015
admin-password = foobar
#admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
admin-allow-ip = ""
dlr-storage = mysql
smsbox-port = 13016
#wdp-interface-name = "*"
log-file = "/tmp/_bearerbox.log"
access-log = "/tmp/_access.log"
#box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
box-allow-ip = ""
log-level = 0

group = smsc
smsc = at
modemtype = auto
device= /dev/ttyUSB0
my-number = xxxxxxxxxxxx
connect-allow-ip =
sim-buffering = true
log-level = 0

# DLR with MySQL support configuration
group = mysql-connection
id = mydlr
host = localhost
username = mysqluser
password = musqlpwd
database = mysqldatabase

group = dlr-db
id = mydlr
table = playsms_kannel_dlr
field-smsc = smsc
field-timestamp = ts
field-destination = destination
field-service = service
field-url = url
field-mask = mask
field-status = status
field-boxc-id = boxc

group = modems
id = huawei
name = "Huawei"
detect-string = "huawei"
init-string = "ATZ"
init-string = "AT+CMEE=1"
init-string = "AT Q0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0"
init-string = "AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0;+CMEE=1"
#init-string = "AT+CNMI=0,1"
message-storage = SM
message-start = 0

group = smsbox
smsbox-id = mysmsc
bearerbox-host = ""
bearerbox-port = 13017
sendsms-port = 13018
access-log = "/tmp/_smsbox-access.log"
log-file = "/tmp/_smsbox.log"
log-level = 0
mo-recode = true

group = smsbox-route
smsbox-id = mysmsc

group = sendsms-user
username = tester
password = foobar
concatenation= true
max-messages = 10000

group = sms-service
keyword-regex = .*
catch-all = yes
accepted-smsc = huawei_e220
max-messages = 3
get-url = 

bearerbox log

2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: Added logfile `/tmp/_bearerbox.log' with 
level `0'.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: Started access logfile `/tmp/_access.log'.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 13015.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2 
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3 
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: starting smsbox connection module
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: BOXC: 'smsbox-max-pending' not set, using 
default (100).
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4 
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [2] DEBUG: Thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread) 
maps to pid 13347.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller) maps to 
pid 13347.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [3] DEBUG: Thread 3 (gw/bb_http.c:httpadmin_run) 
maps to pid 13347.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Including port 13015, fd 9 for 
polling in server thread
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [4] DEBUG: Thread 4 (gw/bb_boxc.c:sms_to_smsboxes) 
maps to pid 13347.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5 
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [5] DEBUG: Thread 5 (gw/bb_boxc.c:smsboxc_run) maps 
to pid 13347.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: Set SMS resend frequency to 60 seconds.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: SMS resend retry set to unlimited.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: MO concatenated message handling enabled
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: DLR rerouting for smsc id <huawei_e220> 
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: configuration shows 
modemtype <huawei>
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: Reading modem 
definitions from <smskannels.conf>
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: Found <1> modems in 
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: modemtype not found, 
revert to autodetect
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6 
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [6] DEBUG: Thread 6 
(gw/smsc/smsc_at.c:at2_device_thread) maps to pid 13347.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: detecting modem speed. 
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: opening device
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 7 
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: device opened. Telnet 
mode = 0
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: ----------------------------------------
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [7] DEBUG: Thread 7 (gw/bb_smscconn.c:sms_router) 
maps to pid 13347.
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: Kannel bearerbox II version 1.5.0 starting
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] INFO: MAIN: Start-up done, entering mainloop
2012-01-24 23:20:29 [13347] [0] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: start called
2012-01-24 23:20:30 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: device opened
2012-01-24 23:20:30 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: speed set to 115200
2012-01-24 23:20:30 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> ^M
2012-01-24 23:20:32 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT^M
2012-01-24 23:20:32 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:32 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: Closing device
2012-01-24 23:20:32 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: detect speed is 115200
2012-01-24 23:20:32 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: detecting modem type
2012-01-24 23:20:32 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: opening device
2012-01-24 23:20:32 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: device opened. Telnet 
mode = 0
2012-01-24 23:20:33 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: device opened
2012-01-24 23:20:33 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: speed set to 115200
2012-01-24 23:20:33 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> ATZ^M
2012-01-24 23:20:33 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:33 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT^M
2012-01-24 23:20:33 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- AT
2012-01-24 23:20:33 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:33 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> ^M
2012-01-24 23:20:35 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT^M
2012-01-24 23:20:35 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- AT
2012-01-24 23:20:35 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:35 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT&F^M
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- AT&F
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> ATE0^M
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- ATE0
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> ATI^M
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- Manufacturer: 
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- Model: E1752
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- Revision:
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- IMEI: 
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +GCAP: 
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: found string <huawei>, 
using modem definition <Huawei>
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CSMS=?^M
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CSMS: (0-1)
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: Closing device
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: opening device
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: device opened. Telnet 
mode = 0
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: device opened
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: Logging in
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: init device
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: speed set to 115200
2012-01-24 23:20:36 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> ATZ^M
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT^M
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- AT
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT&F^M
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- AT&F
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> ATE0^M
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- ATE0
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+IFC=2,2^M
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPIN?^M
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPIN: READY
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CMGF=0^M
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CSMS=?^M
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> 
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CSMS: (0-1)
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPMS="SM"^M
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: AT SMSC successfully 
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPMS: 
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2012-01-24 23:20:37 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPMS?^M
2012-01-24 23:20:38 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPMS: 
2012-01-24 23:20:38 [13347] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK


## Pulls MO and MTs from a database
group = sqlbox
id = dlr2
smsbox-id = mysmsbox
global-sender =  "xxxxxxxxxxxx" 
bearerbox-host = localhost
bearerbox-port = 13001
smsbox-port = 13003
smsbox-port-ssl = false
sql-log-table = sent_sms
sql-insert-table = send_sms
log-file = "/tmp/kannel-sqlbox.log"
log-level = 0
#ssl-client-certkey-file = ""
#ssl-server-cert-file = ""
#ssl-server-key-file = ""
#ssl-trusted-ca-file = ""

## Database connection examples. Please uncomment as needed
# Example MYSQL Connection
group = mysql-connection
id = dlr2
host = localhost
username = mysqluser
password = mysqlpwd
database = playsms
max-connections = 10

### DLR table structure
group = dlr-db
id = dlr2
table = playsms_kannel_dlr
field-timestamp = server_date
field-smsc = smsc
field-destination = destination
field-source = source
field-service = user_service
field-url = url
field-mask = mask
field-status = status
field-boxc-id = boxc

smsbox log

2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] INFO: Starting to log to file /tmp/_smsbox.log 
level 0
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] INFO: Added logfile `/tmp/_smsbox.log' with 
level `0'.
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] INFO: Service global sender set as '+91'
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] INFO: Logging accesses to 
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] INFO: Started access logfile 
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 13018.
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller) maps to 
pid 13445.
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2 
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [2] DEBUG: Thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread) 
maps to pid 13445.
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] INFO: Set up send sms service at port 13018
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3 
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [3] DEBUG: Thread 3 (gw/smsbox.c:sendsms_thread) 
maps to pid 13445.
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG: 
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG: Kannel smsbox version 1.5.0 starting
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG:   dumping group (sendsms-user):
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG:     <group> = <sendsms-user>
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG:     <max-messages> = <10000>
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG:     <username> = <tester>
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG:     <concatenation> = <true>
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG:     <password> = <foobar>
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4 
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [4] DEBUG: Thread 4 
(gw/smsbox.c:obey_request_thread) maps to pid 13445.
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Including port 13018, fd 8 for 
polling in server thread
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5 
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6 
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG: Connecting to <>
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [6] DEBUG: Thread 6 (gw/smsbox.c:http_queue_thread) 
maps to pid 13445.
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [5] DEBUG: Thread 5 (gw/smsbox.c:url_result_thread) 
maps to pid 13445.
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] INFO: Connected to bearerbox at port 
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 7 
2012-01-24 23:23:42 [13445] [7] DEBUG: Thread 7 
(gw/heartbeat.c:heartbeat_thread) maps to pid 13445.

sqlbox log

2012-01-24 23:23:04 [13420] [0] INFO: Starting to log to file 
/tmp/_kannel-sqlbox.log level 0
2012-01-24 23:23:04 [13420] [0] INFO: Added logfile `/tmp/_kannel-sqlbox.log' 
with level `0'.
2012-01-24 23:23:04 [13420] [0] INFO: MYSQL: Connected to server at localhost.
2012-01-24 23:23:04 [13420] [0] INFO: MYSQL: server version 5.5.16-log, client 
version 5.5.16.
2012-01-24 23:23:04 [13420] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1 
2012-01-24 23:23:04 [13420] [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (sqlbox.c:sql_to_bearerbox) 
maps to pid 13420.
2012-01-24 23:23:04 [13420] [1] DEBUG: Connecting to <>
2012-01-24 23:23:04 [13420] [1] INFO: Connected to bearerbox at port 
2012-01-24 23:23:04 [13420] [1] DEBUG: Started thread 2 
2012-01-24 23:23:04 [13420] [2] DEBUG: Thread 2 (sqlbox.c:bearerbox_to_sql) 
maps to pid 13420.

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