You can check if udh starts with 0500, that's a fragmented SMS.

And of course, set sms-combine-concatenated-mo = false

This will lead you to receive long MOs in a parted way, if it's not what
you want, then you can set your smsc log to debug level and grep for
submit_sm PDUs

On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 2:40 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to bill my operator for the incoming SMS to my application (MO
> messages). For calculating all the received SMS, I grep the phrase "Receive
> SMS" from the access-log file, which should give the me actual count of
> incoming SMS. However, there are issues I see by comparing different files:
> - If I get a long SMS (more than 160 characters), the operator counts it
> as 2 messages (of course it is logical as per GSM standard), but kannel
> considers it as one single message (in access-log file: *EXAMPLE*: 2010-09-09
> 20:00:24 Receive SMS [SMSC:polling] [SVC:] [ACT:] [BINF:] [FID:]
> [from:xxxxxxxx] [to:71606] [flags:-1:0:-1:0:-1] 
> [msg:210:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> [udh:0:]). Since I grep the word "Receive SMS", I am unable to capture the
> additional information of additional SMS unless I do some advanced
> scripting.
> How to fix this bug in reconcile? Any other log file/method that could
> give me correct count for incoming SMS? Can sqlbox do it? Currently I am
> not using it.
> - I see difference between total counts of received SMS from the kannel
> status page (*polling* (online
> 17563s, rcvd 2454, sent 54088, failed 0, queued 0 msgs) and the count I
> get by running grep command on access-log (grep "Receive SMS"
> access-log.log). Apparantly, messages reported by kannel status are more
> than what I can see in the logs. If I assume that kannel status is
> reporting the correct number of incoming SMS including the long message
> factor, then how can I extract this count from kannel status, since its
> counters are reset everytime I restart bearerbox.
> Regards,
> Hamza

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