Please use the mailinglist to get answers. And not me personally.


From: Sk. Samsuddoza [] 
Sent: Thursday, 03 May, 2012 08:21
To: 'Rene Kluwen'
Subject: RE: delivery report-getting smsc submit always


Thanks for your responds .

I'm using dlr-storage = mysql. But in sent_sms table dlr_mask=8 (always) but
in dlr table status=0 (always)

Why ?


please tell me how do I create dlr.php script? 

where should I stored it ?

And if possible could u send me dlr.php script?

Sorry for silly questions? Because I have no idea about .php scripting
please help me?  


Mainly my problem is that, delivery report is not getting properly, and what
url should I use & where I store it.

I read the user guide but I don't understand properly what is the actual url
is and where should I use it for getting proper delivery reports.


If possible please explain me "what are the main reasons behind for not
getting delivery reports?" 


From: Rene Kluwen [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 9:21 PM
To: 'spameden'
Cc: 'Sk. Samsuddoza';
Subject: RE: delivery report-getting smsc submit always


Maybe the easiest way is to set the boxc_id of your send_sms table to your


From: spameden [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 15:52
To: Rene Kluwen
Cc: Sk. Samsuddoza;
Subject: Re: delivery report-getting smsc submit always


There are two ways to solve your problem:

1) Use smsbox to push messages to kannel, i.e. call the url:

When kannel gets a DLR from your smsc it will run script specified in
dlr-url field. Dlr-mask 31 means you need to get ALL type of reports, if you
don't need some of the reports you need to check userguide. So you have
updated status in your database. Also you need to pass each time unique
identifier to the url, so correct message will be updated.

2) Second way is to modify source of sqlbox / kannel to get such updates
automatically in sent_sms table (i.e. add additional field status and update
this field for 'MT' messages).

About overhead you might need to tweak your MySQL configuration as well, add
more RAM to your server.

I strongly suggest using InnoDB instead of MyISAM because it's more faulty

2012/5/2 Rene Kluwen <>

Sqlbox won't call your dlr.aspx, as smsbox would.

It just stores the dlr messages in the sent_sms table.


And yes, if you specify dlr-storage = mysql then each message that you send
(and the dlr's that you receive) means an extra sql statement. Which will
decrease your throughput significantly.


== Rene


From: [] On Behalf
Of Sk. Samsuddoza
Sent: Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 13:19
Subject: delivery report-getting smsc submit always


I'm NEW in kannel... So Please Help me
I am using kannel & it's works fine but without delivery report.

When i insert sms in send_sms table with dlr-mask & dlr-url in  to call
dlr.aspx which store status in mysql database, it gives status "smsc submit"

But it's not updated when message is actually delivered to recipient.
Hence i am getting only "smsc submit" status only, it's not updated to
delivery report also decreases my throughput very much.

so please reply how to get updated status in database?
how to maintain throughput with delivery report as well?

Please reply.

Thanks & Regards




Thanks & Regards,

Sk. Samsuddoza






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