Hello Team,

I work @ a PRSP firm and I'm not an expert yet to the SMS Management of
platform. For the past like 3 weeks, this particular shortcode has been
sending out 2 subscription messages for every subscriber. Trouble is that
now the user is being charged for receiving 2 identical messages. I've
ckecked the kannel logs for both SMSCs we're connected to and they both
show that kannel adds 2 send-SMS requests. So obviously the problem is on
my end.

How can I troubleshoot and resolve this? The problem is just with this one

Log Sample for one SMSC connection:

2012-07-16 08:00:05 send-SMS request added - sender:2197coRe:2197
target:254788814333 request: 'VERSE OF THE DAY:Lk 12:22-25 ..The life is
more than meat, and the body is more than raiment.'
2012-07-16 08:00:05 send-SMS request added - sender:2197coRe:2197
target:254788814333 request: 'VERSE OF THE DAY:Lk 12:22-25 ..The life is
more than meat, and the body is more than raiment.'

I will really appreciate the team's help.


Ombongi Moraa fe

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