Please always copy the users list for inquiries.

Your error: In group = smsc, you set port to 13001. This is your bearerbox-port.
Those are two different protocols which don't communicate with each other.

== Rene

-----Original Message-----
From: Soporte [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 21 August, 2012 22:23
To: Rene Kluwen
Subject: RE: Request for Help smpp

Here it is my kannel.conf file

#Default kannel configuration file
#core group 'mandatory' identifies the group  group = core  dlr-storage=mysql 
#port for http administration  admin-port = 13000  smsbox-port = 13001 
#Password for http administration  admin-password = xxxxxx #Password to check 
status of kannel  status-password = xxxxxx #Allow only localhost for now 
#admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
 admin-allow-ip = "localhost"
 #access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
 #store-type = spool
 #store-location = "/var/log/kannel/sent"

 group = smsbox
 bearerbox-host = localhost
 sendsms-port = 13013
 bearerbox-port = 13001
 mo-recode = 1
#The sender number to be used in text messages  global-sender = 919994989838  
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
 log-level = 1

#Identifies the SMS Center group
 group = smsc
 #Tells kannel that we are going to use mobile as smsc  smsc = at  #Sets the 
modem type to auto  modemtype = ZTE  #Identifies the modem  device 
=/dev/ttyUSB3  #It should be your mobile number  my-number = xxxxxx  log-file = 
 log-level = 1

#It should be changed to work for your mobile  group = modems  id = ZTE  name = 
 detect-string = "ZTE MODEM"
 init-string = "AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0"
 #init-string = "AT Q0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0"

 group = mysql-connection
 id = mydlr
 host = localhost
 username = root
 password = xxxx
 database = dlr
 max-connections = 3

 group = dlr-db
 id = mydlr
 table = dlr
 field-smsc = smsc
 field-timestamp = ts
 field-destination = destination
 field-source = source
 field-service = service
 field-url = url
 field-mask = mask
 field-status = status
 field-boxc-id = boxc

 smsc-id = SMPP
 host = localhost
 port = 13001
 receive-port = 13013
 transceiver-mode = true
 smsc-username = "kannel"
 smsc-password = "hard2gue"
 #keepalive = 25
 system-type = "VMA"
 address-range =""
 #source-addr-ton = 005
 #interface-version = 0x34
 #enquire-link-interval = 10
 #reconnect-delay = 30
 log-level = 1
 log-file = /var/log/kannel/opensmppbox.log

 group = sendsms-user
#Username and Password for sending sms using HTTP interface  username = kannel  
password = xxxxxx  concatenation = true  #can  send a longer text message about 
3 smses ( 3*160)  max-messages = 3

# SMS SERVICE 'default'
 group = sms-service
 keyword = Tucontacto
 text = "Bienvenido a la conexion de prueba de tu contacto sms"
 catch-all = true
# Catch all incoming messages
# regarding the keyword. If you
# define other services, remove
# this line.

# SMS SERVICE for receiving sms messages # If you're about to implement service 
to receive sms messages.
# group = sms-service
# keyword = yourkeyword
# get-url = http://server.domain/moodle/receivesms.php?q=%k&sender=%

El mar, 21-08-2012 a las 22:08 +0200, Rene Kluwen escribió:
> This is probably a configuration issue with the wrong tcp ports being 
> connected to each other.
> If you post your config, we can help you further.
> == Rene
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Soporte
> Sent: Tuesday, 21 August, 2012 21:46
> To:
> Subject: Request for Help smpp
> Greetings.
>  I'm new using the kannel app, and i'm trying to set up the Kannel 
> SMPP  server, but I recive this respond
>  2012-08-21 16:26:37 [3469] [1] ERROR: opensmppbox: bearerbox_to_smpp:
>  thread starts
>  2012-08-21 16:26:37 [3469] [2] ERROR: opensmppbox: smpp_to_bearerbox:
>  thread starts
>  2012-08-21 16:26:37 [3469] [2] ERROR: SMPP: PDU length was too large  
> (1195725856, maximum is 7424).
>  2012-08-21 16:26:37 [3469] [2] ERROR: opensmppbox[(null)]: Server sent  
> garbage, ignored.
>  2012-08-21 16:26:37 [3469] [2] ERROR: Invalid SMPP PDU received.
>  2012-08-21 16:26:37 [3469] [2] ERROR: opensmppbox: smpp_to_bearerbox:
>  thread terminates
>  2012-08-21 16:26:37 [3469] [1] ERROR: opensmppbox: bearerbox_to_smpp:
>  thread terminates
>  2012-08-21 16:26:38 [3469] [0] INFO: No more waiting for SMPP  connections.
>  So if you can help me, it will be greatfull.
>  Thanks.

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