
I tried to start bearerbox with this configuration:

group = core
admin-port = 13000
admin-password = admin
smsbox-port = 13001
dlr-storage = mysql
store-type = spool
store-location = /var/spool/kannel
log-file = /var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log
log-level = 0

group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
smsbox-id = smsbox-0
sendsms-port = 13013
log-file = /var/log/kannel/smsbox.log
log-level = 0

group = smsc
smsc = fake
smsc-id = smsc-0
port = 10000
connect-allow-ip =

group = sendsms-user
username = ""
password = ""

group = mysql-connection
id = mydlr
host = localhost
username = root
password =
database = kannel
max-connections = 1

group = dlr-db
id = mydlr
table = dlr
field-smsc = smsc
field-timestamp = ts
field-destination = destination
field-source = source
field-service = service
field-url = url
field-mask = mask
field-status = status
field-boxc-id = boxc

I see:

# bearerbox /etc/kannel/kannel.conf
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = -1, log_file =
<none>, log_lvl = 0
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: MYSQL: Connected to server at localhost.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: MYSQL: server version 5.1.62,
client version 5.1.62.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: DLR using storage type: mysql
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] DEBUG: Kannel bearerbox version `svn-r'.
Build `Oct  5 2012 04:59:32', compiler `4.5.3 20120403 (ALT Linux
System Linux, release 2.6.32-ovz-el-alt51, version #1 SMP Fri Feb 3
09:05:35 UTC 2012, machine i686.
Hostname localhost, IP
Libxml version 2.8.0.
Using OpenSSL 1.0.0i 19 Apr 2012.
Compiled with MySQL 5.1.62, using MySQL 5.1.62.
Using native malloc.

2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: Added logfile
`/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log' with level `0'.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] WARNING: Kannel was compiled without WAP support
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 13000.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
maps to pid 18106.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [2] DEBUG: Thread 2
(gwlib/http.c:server_thread) maps to pid 18106.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Including port 13000, fd
10 for polling in server thread
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] DEBUG: starting smsbox connection module
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: BOXC: 'smsbox-max-pending' not
set, using default (100).
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [4] DEBUG: Thread 4
(gw/bb_boxc.c:sms_to_smsboxes) maps to pid 18106.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: Set SMS resend frequency to 60 seconds.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: SMS resend retry set to unlimited.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] DEBUG: MO concatenated message handling enabled
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: DLR rerouting for smsc id
<smsc-0> disabled.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [5] DEBUG: Thread 5
(gw/bb_boxc.c:smsboxc_run) maps to pid 18106.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 7
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [6] DEBUG: Thread 6
(gw/smsc/smsc_fake.c:fake_listener) maps to pid 18106.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: ----------------------------------------
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: Kannel bearerbox II version svn-r starting
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [3] DEBUG: Thread 3
(gw/bb_http.c:httpadmin_run) maps to pid 18106.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: Loaded 0 messages from store.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] INFO: MAIN: Start-up done, entering mainloop
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [7] DEBUG: Thread 7
(gw/bb_smscconn.c:sms_router) maps to pid 18106.
2012-10-05 09:47:43 [18106] [0] DEBUG: smsc_fake: start called

I can't see any messages about connectiong to mysql and I can't see
any records in already created table dlr in mysql database while
sending message via smsbox to fakesmsc. Why can it be?

Eugene Prokopiev

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