
I am 'trying' to channelize outgoing traffic from kannel based on the
username/password combination in sendsms-user groups. My config is

group = smsbox-route
smsbox-id = smsbox
smsc-id = SMSC-1;SMSC-2
group = sendsms-user
username = ABC
password = ABC
default-smsc = SMSC-1
max-messages = 5
concatenation = true
group = sendsms-user
username = XYZ
password = XYZ
default-smsc = SMSC-2
max-messages = 5
concatenation = true
When trying to send SMS via username ABC, ideally it should only go out via
SMSC-1. However, the SMS is going out randomly from both SMSC-1 and SMSC-2.

Additional info: I am using SQLBOX in between SMSBOX and BBOX as well.
Also, there is only single SMSBOX carrying all ESME connections.

How can I force the SMS to follow the defined path, related to the
username/password used in sending?


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