Sagar, Please always copy the list when asking for support.


Something is wrong with your init string in that case.



From: Sagar Deshpande [] 
Sent: dinsdag 4 juni 2013 7:27
To: Rene Kluwen
Subject: Re: reading received messages in kannel


Thanks for your response, 

As you told i made sim-buffering = true but when i make this my bearerbox is
not connecting to the device it is giving me error as:


2013-06-04 10:56:15 [3904] [6] ERROR: AT2[Nokia]: Generic error: ERROR

2013-06-04 10:56:15 [3904] [6] ERROR: AT2[Nokia]: Initialization of device

2013-06-04 10:56:15 [3904] [6] INFO: AT2[Nokia]: Closing device

2013-06-04 10:56:15 [3904] [6] ERROR: AT2[Nokia]: Couldn't connect (retrying
in 10 seconds).


Thanking You.

On Jun 3, 2013, at 6:03 PM, Rene Kluwen wrote:

There's two options:

Set sim-buffering = true in your group = smsc.

Or find the proper CNMI setting for your phone. Look in the users manual for
an explanation.


== Rene


From: users [] On Behalf Of Sagar Deshpande
Sent: maandag 3 juni 2013 13:17
Subject: reading received messages in kannel


Dear Kannel Users,


Whenever message is received to my mobile i.e Nokia 5233 it is not showing
in Log and also it is not calling get-url but i can send sms from the same
device. If you find it could you please reply me as soon as possible. My
configuration file is as below.


group = core

 admin-port = 13003

 admin-password =

 admin-allow-ip = ""

 dlr-storage = mysql

 smsbox-port = 13016

 log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"

 access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"

 box-allow-ip = ""

 log-level = 0


group = smsc

 smsc-id = Nokia

 smsc = at

 modemtype = USB Modem

 device= /dev/ttyACM0

 my-number = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 connect-allow-ip =

 sim-buffering = false

 log-level = 0


group = mysql-connection

 id = mydlr

 host = localhost

 username = root

 password = xxxx

 database = kannel


group = dlr-db

 id = mydlr

 table = dlr

 field-smsc = smsc

 field-timestamp = ts


 field-destination = destination

 field-service = service

 field-url = url

 field-mask = mask

 field-status = status

 field-boxc-id = boxc


group = modems

 id = Nokia

 name = Nokia

 detect-string = "Nokia"

 init-string = "ATZ"

 init-string = "ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0"

 message-storage = SM


group = smsbox

 smsbox-id = mysmsbox

 bearerbox-host = localhost

 bearerbox-port = 13020

 sendsms-port = 13013

 global-sender = xxxxx

 access-log = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox-access.log"

 log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"

 log-level = 0

 mo-recode = true


group = smsbox-route

 smsbox-id = mysmsbox

 smsc-id = Nokia


group = sendsms-user

 username = kannel

 password = kannelPass

 concatenation= true

 max-messages = 10000


group = sms-service

 keyword = default

 catch-all = yes

 max-messages = 10

 get-url = "http://localhost/sms.php?phone=%p
<http://localhost/sms.php?phone=%25p&text=%25a> &text=%a"


Thank you in advance.


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