Try this (quoting Alejandro Guerrieri):

–>Yes, SqlBox can handle MO Traffic as well. To do that, you need to put
SqlBox between
–>smsbox and bearerbox, so all traffic intented for smsbox would pass thru
SqlBox before.

–>To achieve that, you need to configure smsbox to use the SqlBox port
instead of
–>bearerbox’s. You need to start SqlBox before smsbox, otherwise smsbox
would fail to start

"This is because you need separate configuration files for bearerbox,
smsbox and sqlbox. Under “normal” circumstances, bearerbox and smsbox could
share the configuration file, but if you intend to put sqlbox in the
middle, you need smsbox to point to sqlbox’s port and not bearerbox:

For example, to use this setup:
bearerbox < --[13001]--> sqlbox < --[13005]--> smsbox

You’d need something like this:

kannel.conf (to use with bearerbox):
group = core
smsbox-port = 13001

group = sqlbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
bearerbox-port = 13001
smsbox-port = 13005

group = core
smsbox-port = 13005

smsbox.conf can be exactly the same file as kannel.conf, you only need to
change the smsbox-port.

Hope this helps clarifying how it works.



2013/6/14 testn4n1 <>

> Hi,
> I found another thing. I am unable to receive parameters when i insert
> into mysql.
> But when i use the sendsms url i.e.
> http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=tester&password=foobar&to=919067184864&from=TESTSMS&text=message&dlr-mask=31&dlr-url=
> i receive all the parameters with values. I get the following response:
> Here, i sent the text as "message" but i received message=ACK/. But
> atleast i am able to receive other parameters.
> How do i achieve this using mysql?
> When i execute the insert query, i am unable to achieve this. Please help
> me. Its been a long time and i am stuck.
> Regards,
> James
> On 13 June 2013 15:04, testn4n1 <> wrote:
>> Here are my configurations again.
>> Kannel.conf
>> ===========
>> group = core
>> admin-port = 13000
>> smsbox-port = 13001
>> admin-password = bar
>> dlr-storage = mysql
>> box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>> box-allow-ip = ""
>> group = smsc
>> smsc = fake
>> smsc-id = FAKE
>> port = 20000
>> connect-allow-ip =
>> group = smsbox
>> smsbox-id = box1
>> bearerbox-host =
>> sendsms-port = 13013
>> global-sender = 13013
>> group = sendsms-user
>> username = tester
>> password = foobar
>> #user-deny-ip = ""
>> #user-allow-ip = ""
>> group = sms-service
>> keyword = nop
>> text = "You asked nothing and I did it!"
>> group = sms-service
>> keyword = default
>> text = "No service specified"
>> group = smsc
>> smsc = smpp
>> smsc-id = smpp-nexmo
>> host =
>> port = 8000
>> transceiver-mode = true
>> throughput = 10
>> smsc-username = *******
>> smsc-password = ********
>> system-type = nexmo
>> dest-addr-ton=1
>> msg-id-type=0x01
>> alt-charset = LATIN1
>> enquire-link-interval = 30
>> group = sendsms-user
>> username = tester
>> password = foobar
>> name = users
>> #user-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>> user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>> max-messages = 3
>> concatenation = 1
>> omit-empty = 1
>> group = mysql-connection
>> id = mydlr
>> host = localhost
>> username = root
>> password = root
>> database = kannel
>> group = dlr-db
>> id = mydlr
>> table = dlr
>> field-smsc = smsc
>> field-timestamp = ts
>> field-source=source
>> field-destination = destination
>> field-service = service
>> field-url = url
>> field-mask = mask
>> field-status = status
>> field-boxc-id = boxc
>> sqlbox.conf
>> ==========
>> group = sqlbox
>> id = sqlbox-db
>> smsbox-id = sqlbox
>> #global-sender = ""
>> bearerbox-host = localhost
>> bearerbox-port = 13001
>> smsbox-port = 13005
>> smsbox-port-ssl = false
>> sql-log-table = sent_sms
>> sql-insert-table = send_sms
>> # MYSQL Connection
>> group = mysql-connection
>> id = sqlbox-db
>> host = localhost
>> username = root
>> password = root
>> database = kannel
>> Please verify these and tell me if anything is wrong or missing.
>> On 13 June 2013 14:28, testn4n1 <> wrote:
>>> Ya i compiled it from latest source only but still facing this problem.
>>> On 13 June 2013 14:21, spameden <> wrote:
>>>> I was wrong, you need to urlencode each parameter passed, i.e:
>>>> '<>
>>>> message=%25a&timestamp=%25t'
>>>> so your previous URL should work actually
>>>> 2013/6/13 testn4n1 <>
>>>>> No, this is also not working. Same result as before.
>>>>> On 13 June 2013 12:37, spameden <> wrote:
>>>>>> try urlencoding whole parameter string, i.e.:
>>>>>> insert this value as dlr_url:
>>>>>> '<>
>>>>>> message%3D%25a%26timestamp%3D%25t%26sender%3D%25p%26receiver%3D%25P%26smsc_id%3D%25i%26dlr_value%3D%25d%26msg_id%3D%25F%26sendsms_user%3D%25n'
>>>>>> hope it helps
>>>>>> 2013/6/13 testn4n1 <>
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Did you find any solution to my problem?
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> James
>>>>>>> On 12 June 2013 09:45, testn4n1 <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Yes, that problem is solved. But now i am having another problem.
>>>>>>>> When i insert into the database using the following query, the
>>>>>>>> dlr_url is called instantly and it is called as-it-is. i.e. the %i, %p 
>>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>>> values are not replced with actual values. After the actual delivery 
>>>>>>>> report
>>>>>>>> arrives, the same url is called again without actual values i.e %i, 
>>>>>>>> %t, %P
>>>>>>>> etc. are passed. Please help.
>>>>>>>> INSERT INTO send_sms (momt, sender, smsc_id, receiver, msgdata,
>>>>>>>> sms_type, dlr_mask, dlr_url, boxc_id) VALUES ('MT', '1234',
>>>>>>>> 'smpp-clickatell', '919067184864', 'Abbe russshuuuu', 2, 31, '
>>>>>>>> '
>>>>>>>>  , 'box1');
>>>>>>>> On 11 June 2013 19:29, spameden <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Quoting Rene on this one:
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Rene Kluwen <rene.kluwen at 
>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> The error is self-explanatory.
>>>>>>>>> You should just dlrencode your parameters in the dlr-url. Not the url
>>>>>>>>> itself.
>>>>>>>>> So 
>>>>>>>>> insert:
>>>>>>>>> 2013/6/11 testn4n1 <>
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I am facing some problems.
>>>>>>>>>> When i insert into the database using the following query, the
>>>>>>>>>> dlr_url is called instantly and it is called as-it-is. i.e. the %i, 
>>>>>>>>>> %p etc.
>>>>>>>>>> values are not replced with actual values. After the actual delivery 
>>>>>>>>>> report
>>>>>>>>>> arrives, the same url is called again without actual values i.e %i, 
>>>>>>>>>> %t, %P
>>>>>>>>>> etc. are passed. Please help.
>>>>>>>>>> INSERT INTO send_sms (momt, sender, smsc_id, receiver, msgdata,
>>>>>>>>>> sms_type, dlr_mask, dlr_url, boxc_id) VALUES ('MT', '1234',
>>>>>>>>>> 'smpp-clickatell', '919067184864', 'Abbe russshuuuu', 2, 31, '
>>>>>>>>>> 'box1');
>>>>>>>>>> On 11 June 2013 13:12, testn4n1 <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I am getting this error:
>>>>>>>>>>> 2013-06-11 12:27:07 [4669] [7] WARNING: DLR[mysql]: DLR from
>>>>>>>>>>> SMSC<smpp> for DST<919067184864> not found.
>>>>>>>>>>> 2013-06-11 12:27:07 [4669] [7] ERROR: SMPP[smpp]: got DLR but
>>>>>>>>>>> could not find message or was not interested in it 
>>>>>>>>>>> id<400000007077826>
>>>>>>>>>>> dst<919067184864>, type<1>
>>>>>>>>>>> I read on a blog where it says "try the smsc group parameter
>>>>>>>>>>> "msg-id-type = 0x01"
>>>>>>>>>>> In my configuration, i have already set this but its not working.
>>>>>>>>>>> On 11 June 2013 12:12, Jacob Eiler <>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi James
>>>>>>>>>>>> It is only the query parameter values part that should be
>>>>>>>>>>>> encoded:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jacob Eiler
>>>>>>>>>>>> Apide ApS
>>>>>>>>>>>> e:
>>>>>>>>>>>> t: +45 2374 0486
>>>>>>>>>>>> w:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Den 11/06/2013 kl. 08.26 skrev testn4n1 <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi tried the following insert query with the encoded url:
>>>>>>>>>>>> INSERT INTO send_sms (momt, sender, receiver, msgdata,
>>>>>>>>>>>> sms_type, dlr_mask, dlr_url, boxc_id) VALUES ('MT', '1234', 
>>>>>>>>>>>> '919067184864',
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Abbe russshuuuu', 2, 31,
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'http%3A%2F%2F192.168.111.151%3A8085%2FKannel_Test%2FReceive_dlr%3Fmessage%3D%25a%26timestamp%3D%25t%26sender%3D%25p%26receiver%3D%25P%26smsc_id%3D%25i%26dlr_value%3D%25d%26msg_id%3D%25F%26sendsms_user%3D%25n',
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'box1');
>>>>>>>>>>>> Kannel gives the following error:
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: URL
>>>>>>>>>>>> <http%3A%2F%2F192.168.111.151%3A8085%2FKannel_Test%2FReceive_dlr%3Fmessage%3D%25a%26timestamp%3D%25t%26sender%3D%25p%26receiver%3D%25P%26smsc_id%3D%25i%26dlr_value%3D%25d%26msg_id%3D%25F%26sendsms_user%3D%25n>
>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't start with `http://' nor `https://'
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> James
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10 June 2013 19:27, spameden <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> check page 91 of the guide (Table 6-9. Parameters (Escape
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Codes))
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/6/10 testn4n1 <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I read the user-guide. It says about url encoding in the MO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messages section. but it does not specify what are the key and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> values for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the parameters. i.e. which are the common parameters we need to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pass in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dlr-url.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only an example is given like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://localhost/myscript?...&meta-data=%D&;...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can you please tell me which are the other parameters and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their values?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also, it specifies %D as value for the meta-data key. Is it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something that kannel replaces %D with some other value and then 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calls the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specified url? if yes, then what are the other such values for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the keys?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> James
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10 June 2013 18:23, spameden <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, you need to:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) URLENCODE URL before inserting into database
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) pass parameters into URL, i.e.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http%3A%2F%2F192.168.111.151%3A8085%2FKannel_Test%2FReceive_dlr%3Fsmsc-id%3D%25i%22%22
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once again, read user-guide.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/6/10 testn4n1 <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok...the url i provided gets called the second i insert
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data into the send_sms table but no parameters are passed. i 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> printed all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the request parameters but got nothing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10 June 2013 17:58, spameden <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To achieve this you need to put smsbox in between of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sqlbox and bearerbox or enforce smsbox id into boxc_id field, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i.e.:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INSERT INTO send_sms (momt, sender, receiver, msgdata,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sms_type, dlr_mask, dlr_url, boxc_id) VALUES ('MT', '1234', 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '919067184864',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Abbe russshuuuu', 2, 31, '
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'smsbox_id');
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/6/10 testn4n1 <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i am trying to send sms by inserting data into send_sms
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> table and want to process dlrs with script using dlr_url. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, i have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> changed the configuration to the following but i cannot 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> receive anything in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my application:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group = sendsms-user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> username = tester
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> password = foobar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forced-smsc = smpp-nexmo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name = users
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dlr-url =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #user-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> max-messages = 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concatenation = 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> omit-empty = 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am executing the following query for inserting the data:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INSERT INTO send_sms (momt, sender, receiver, msgdata,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sms_type, dlr_mask, dlr_url) VALUES ('MT', '1234', 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '919067184864', 'Abbe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> russshuuuu', 2, 31, '
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The dlr is not routed to my specified url. Can you please
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tell me what is wrong here?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> James
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10 June 2013 17:06, spameden <>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/6/10 testn4n1 <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok...but then why are there entries in my sent_sms
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> table like the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12 | DLR  | 1234   | 919067184864 | NULL    |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> id%3A288230376265477711+sub%3A001+dlvrd%3A001+submit+date%3A1306061034+done+date%3A1306060504+stat%3ADELIVRD+err%3A000+text%3Anone++++++++++++++++
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | 1370495099 | smpp-nexmo | NULL    | 51dc0ffb | NULL |    
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     3 |   NULL |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NULL |   NULL |     NULL |     NULL |     NULL |        1 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | NULL    | NULL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |    NULL | NULL | NULL    | sqlbox  | NULL  | 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?smpp?dlr_err=000& |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what are the other ways to handle dlr instead of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modifying the source?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because sqlbox moves everything into sent_sms table.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can process DLRs with a script supplied to dlr_url
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but it would be easier and more proper to modify sqlbox
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code to store where you want them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10 June 2013 16:55, spameden <>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dlr table only used to track which messages are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> awaiting reports
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you need to modify sqlbox source if you need to store
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DLR entries separately
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/6/10 testn4n1 <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am able to send sms using sqlbox and able to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> receive dlr reports also. But, these reports do not go 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the table that i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specify. Instead, the reports are stored in sent_sms 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> table. Below is my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kannel.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group = core
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> admin-port = 13000
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smsbox-port = 13001
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> admin-password = bar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dlr-storage = mysql
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group = smsbox
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bearerbox-host =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sendsms-port = 13013
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> global-sender = 13013
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group = sendsms-user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> username = tester
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> password = foobar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group = sms-service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keyword = nop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> text = "You asked nothing and I did it!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group = smsc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smsc = smpp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smsc-id = server1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> host =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> port = 8000
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transceiver-mode = true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> throughput = 10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smsc-username = **********
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smsc-password = **********
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group = sendsms-user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> username = tester
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> password = foobar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forced-smsc = server1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name = users
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #user-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> max-messages = 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concatenation = 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> omit-empty = 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group = mysql-connection
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> id = mydlr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> host = localhost
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> username = root
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> password = root
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> database = kannel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group = dlr-db
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> id = mydlr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> table = dlr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field-smsc = smsc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field-timestamp = ts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field-source=source
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field-destination = destination
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field-service = service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field-url = url
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field-mask = mask
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field-status = status
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field-boxc-id = boxc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sqlbox.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group = sqlbox
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> id = sqlbox-db
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smsbox-id = sqlbox
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bearerbox-host = localhost
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bearerbox-port = 13001
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smsbox-port = 13005
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smsbox-port-ssl = false
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sql-log-table = sent_sms
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sql-insert-table = send_sms
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # MYSQL Connection
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group = mysql-connection
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> id = sqlbox-db
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> host = localhost
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> username = root
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> password = root
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> database = kannel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The sms are sent successfully from send_sms and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transferred to the table sent_sms but the delivery 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reports are also stored
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the same table and the dlr table is always empty.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If anyone has come accross this problem, please help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me.

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