
2013/8/7 Rene Wijninga <r.wijni...@gmail.com>

> Hi list,****
> ** **
> Please forgive me if this is a really silly question, but I am trying to
> figure out how the dlr’s are working. I got the kannel box running,
> connection to MySQL is working perfectly, dlr database is set up and I can
> send sms messages. So far, so good. ****
> ** **
> What I just simply don’t get, is how the dlr.php script is working. If I
> am right, Kannel will call the dlr.php script as soon as an update from the
> SMPP provider comes in, right?

Yes, exactly, when bearerbox receives DLR from your SMSC it hits url you've
specified in /cgi/sendsms?dlr_url=...

> But don’t I have to run a webserver servicing the cgi/dlr.php? So, should
> I install Apache, or can I use the internal webserver?

Yes, you can use any webserver (e.g. nginx / lighttpd / apache / webrick /
anything ).

dlr.php is just an example in PHP, you can use any language, just make sure
correct parameters passed to your script.

> In the latter case: which portnumber should I be calling, the 13000 admin
> port?

No, 13000 is the kannel bearerbox port, used for its internal

> ****
> ** **
> Sorry for this question, but I just can’t find the answer in the
> documentation or the mailing list.****

Alternatively you can use sqlbox with triggers or modify sqlbox source code
to remove additional webserver overhead and deal with messages in the DB.

> ** **
> Thanks,****
> Rene****
> ** **

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