MO messages are routed using smsbox-route.

See the users manual. There's examples there.


And please don't email me privately.


== Rene


From: Gabriel Augusto Diaz Zapata [] 
Sent: donderdag 14 november 2013 6:49
To: Rene Kluwen
Subject: Open SMPP Box Routing


Hi Rene


Sorry for bothering you.


I just checked that you developed an special patch to route MO messages from
carrier and send to specific sms_id based on short number, using SMPPBox


Can you help me with an example of ,conf to do this?


I need to route messages, may be, wit specific shortcode from carrier and
send the mesages to a special ESME client connected to OpenSMPPBox. It is


I mean..


Carrier to Kannel

Kannel To OPenSMMPBox, specific systemId/BoxId?


It is possible, bsed on shortcode and text?


I need to understand how works routing from carrier to OPenSMPPBox



Let me know and thank you in advanced



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