Try managing DLRs outside the sent_sms table, in a separate database.

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Aditya Khanna <> wrote:

> *Hello Everyone,*
> I'm need of your help.
> Currently, I'm developing a Bulk SMS Application, So I'm using Kannel as
> SMS Gateway.
> First I was configuring Bearerbox and SMSBox for push messages to
> connected SMPP server through HTTP. I was send each message to kannel using
> HTTP Url. but It is failed when I'm sending Bulk SMS up to 50K to 100K. My
> HTTP has been crashed due to kannel HTTP send sms url.
> Like this
> "http://localhost:15010/cgi-bin/sendsms?parameters";
> Now I'm handle this problem using SQLBox. So SQLBox creates two table in
> DB: *send_sms* & *sent_sms*.
> I'm inserting each request into send_sms table through HTTP.
> But the problem is that SQLBox does not update each message DLR in
> *sent_sms* table.
> So I want to know that what is the probelm behind this:
> Please find I'm attaching my configuration files below.
> Thanks,
> Aditya Khanna

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