Yes, it is possible to log messages at application level. I did it several times in the past in situations when I am SMS Service provider and using kannel just to connect to mobile operator's SMSC. But, now I have demand to establish messaging gateway at MVNO's site. The purpose of the gateway is to route Premium SMS trafic from SMSC to service providers applications and to record billing data (for charging individual subscribers and interbilling between MVNO and MNO). Plain log files are not suitable for billing purposes.

I will appreciate any further suggestions.

On 16.03.2015 19:56, Milan P. Stanic wrote:
On Mon, 2015-03-16 at 17:14, Drazen Kozic wrote:
Is the kannel capable to record every MO, MT and DLR message into database?
I was reading sqlbox doc and it seems that sms box only records MT messages?
But, we need to record MO and DLR messages, too.
Sqlbox could be configured to log messages but better solution is to log
messages (and other events) at the application level.

*Dražen Kozić*
Razvoj softverskih proizvoda
Rukovodilac tima

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