
Do you know what language/encoding the MO you receive is supposed to be in?
From your Log:
2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG:   data_coding: 0 = 0x00000000
Data coding = 0 would normally mean that the incoming message is Default encoding, usually GSM-ASCII (or Latin1 some times), which would not need any special handling.
Normally when receiving Unicode messages you would see the following:
2015-11-30 06:26:00 [13448] [11] DEBUG: *data_coding: 8 = 0x00000008*

If the SMSC you connect to is giving data_coding as 0 when sending Unicode SMS, then you should raise this with them.

Something to check, in the group = smsbox section you should have:
mo-recode = true
This will trigger the conversion of UCS-2 MO to a UTF-8 output on your service URLs.

Kyriacos Sakkas

On 30/11/2015 09:53, Yasmine Sayed-AbdElMohsen, Vodafone Egypt wrote:


I am using Kannel with gateway v1.4.4.

I have trouble reading the incoming messages.

I get no translation found in the smsbox logs , and gibberish data in the bearerbox logs.

*For example:*

For sent  sms from mobile device : “Hi from wet and windy ireland”

I receive this SMS data in the PDU

SMPP[Smsc50496]: Got PDU:

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x7f518c000a00 dump:

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: type_name: deliver_sm

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: command_id: 5 = 0x00000005

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: command_status: 0 = 0x00000000

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: sequence_number: 2 = 0x00000002

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: service_type: NULL

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: source_addr_ton: 1 = 0x00000001

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: source_addr_npi: 1 = 0x00000001

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: source_addr: "353872849213"

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: dest_addr_ton: 6 = 0x00000006

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: dest_addr_npi: 9 = 0x00000009

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: destination_addr: "50496"

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: esm_class: 0 = 0x00000000

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: protocol_id: 0 = 0x00000000

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: priority_flag: 0 = 0x00000000

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: schedule_delivery_time: NULL

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: validity_period: NULL

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: registered_delivery: 0 = 0x00000000

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: replace_if_present_flag: 0 = 0x00000000

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: data_coding: 0 = 0x00000000

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: sm_default_msg_id: 0 = 0x00000000

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: sm_length: 27 = 0x0000001b

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: short_message:

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x7f518c005660:

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: len:  27

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: size: 28

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: immutable: 0

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: data: c8 34 c8 2c 7f b7 41 f7 32 1d 14 76 93 41 f7 b4 .4.,..A.2..v.A..

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: data: 9b 9c 07 25 e5 65 76 d8 4d 76 01 ...%.ev.Mv.

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: user_message_reference: 252 = 0x000000fc

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: privacy_indicator: 0 = 0x00000000

2015-11-23 16:46:37 [21318] [6] DEBUG: SMPP PDU dump ends.

I searched a lot , and the proposed solution is to change the coding value to be 2 , in order to receive legible SMS(es), and this is reflected through changing the alt-charset configuration. But It had no effect.

*Here is my Kannel.conf file*


group = core

admin-port = 13001

smsbox-port = 13002

admin-password = bar

log-file = "/home/pnps/pnps/logs/kannellogs/SmscGateway.log"

log-level = 0

box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"

box-allow-ip = ";172.*.*.*;192.*.*.*;10.*.*.*"

admin-allow-ip = ";172.*.*.*;192.*.*.*;10.*.*.*"

admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"

access-log = "/home/pnps/pnps/logs/kannellogs/access.log"


group = smsbox

bearerbox-host = localhost

sendsms-port = 13013


log-level = 0


reply-couldnotfetch = "Service is down, please try again later"

reply-couldnotrepresent = "Service is down, please try again later"

reply-requestfailed = "Service is down, please try again later"

reply-emptymessage = ""

mo-recode = true


group = sendsms-user



user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"

concatenation = true

split-chars = "#!^&*("

max-messages = 10


group = smsc

smsc = smpp

smsc-id = Smsc12345

smsc-username = smscUser

smsc-password = smscPass

host =

port = 1040

system-type = SystemType403

interface-version = 34

source-addr-autodetect = false

source-addr-ton = 6

source-addr-npi = 9

dest-addr-ton = 1

dest-addr-npi = 1

reconnect-delay = false

reconnect-delay = 10

transceiver-mode = true

throughput = 10

address-range = "^12345$"

#alt-charset = "ASCII"

max-pending-submits = 3

group = sms-service

accepted-smsc = "Smsc12345"

keyword = default

get-url = " <>"


max-messages = 0

#alt-charset = "iso-8859-1"


I tried using alt-charset with different values, ASCII , UTF-8, UCS-2, and GSM but no change occurred.

Please advise.

Best regards,

Description: Vodafone <http://www.vodafone.com.eg/>


*Yassmeen Sayed-AbdElMohsen *
VAS developer
Technology Shared Service
Vodafone International Services
Mobile: +20 (10) 92862343
Email: yasmine.sayed-abdelmoh...@vodafone.com

Maadi Contact Center Park (MCCP)

*vodafone.com.eg * <http://www.vodafone.com.eg/>


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Kyriacos Sakkas
Development Team
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