Hello All,

I am trying to send concatenated message using sql box using udh and text.

If i use kannel xml post or xml post headers concatenated messages are sent
and delivered properly.

while using sql box if we do not add udh and send url encoded long message
like the follows its sent properly:

 INSERT INTO send_sms ( sql_id, momt, sender, receiver, msgdata, sms_type,
smsc_id,dlr_url,dlr_mask,coding) VALUES (  1212132,'MT', 'sender',

But if we add udh and send concatenated message as the follows then it
delivers messages separately i.e. its not combining that message into one.

Here is my insert query

INSERT INTO send_sms ( sql_id, momt, sender, receiver,udhdata, msgdata,
sms_type, smsc_id,dlr_mask) VALUES (  10121,'MT', 'senderId',

INSERT INTO send_sms ( sql_id, momt, sender, receiver,udhdata, msgdata,
sms_type, smsc_id,dlr_url,dlr_mask) VALUES (9204116,'MT', '27820070120 ',

I need to send concatenated messages with udh and not depend on kannel's
Is there anything wrong with the above queries or i need to add some more

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