
Messages get queued, we found that it is because of an I/O Error below


2016-05-18 08:23:53 [6095] [41] ERROR: SMPP[smsc-one]: I/O error or other
error. Re-connecting.
2016-05-18 08:23:53 [6095] [41] ERROR: SMPP[smsc-one]: Couldn't connect to
SMS center (retrying in 10 seconds).


2016-05-18 08:25:10 [6095] [10] DEBUG: Routing failed, re-queued.
2016-05-18 08:25:10 [6095] [10] DEBUG: Routing failed, re-queued.

Routing failed means can not find the smsc but the smsc is up. The only
solution we have so far is to restart.

The issue why the queue is not emptied when the bind is up again? Is this
I/O Error a connection error to SMSC?

Thank you!

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