

Do you have any sms services acting as a loop and reinjecting the MO ?




De : users [mailto:users-boun...@kannel.org] De la part de Seystec Soler
Envoyé : vendredi 13 janvier 2017 07:22
À : users@kannel.org
Objet : Re: MO messages from SMPP stored in database multiple times


Anyone can help me with this?



2017-01-10 22:06 GMT-04:00 Seystec Soler <seys...@gmail.com>:

Hello fellows.


I have a strange case, I'm trying to store in database (Oracle) messages 
received from an SMPP connection. Connection it's fine and I can receive it but 
MO messages are being stored in table 50 times each. In Kannel logs and web 
interface shows one message is received but sqlbox (presumibly) is multiplying 
each MO message. My setup is: 

SMPP --> bearerbox --> sqlbox. 

I'm running only bearerbox and sqlbox.

I have been testing with versions 1.4.4 and SVN on Debian Wheezy and CentOS 7. 
Can you help me to see what I am missing on my config to avoid this behavior?


Thanks for you time.


Below is my minimal config:


####### Begin Config file ########


group = core

admin-port = 13000

admin-password = mySecretPass

box-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"

admin-allow-ip = ""

smsbox-port = 13001

log-file = "/var/log/kannel/kannel.log"

access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"


group = smsbox

smsbox-id = smsbox

bearerbox-host =

sendsms-port = 13013

global-sender = 13013


group = sqlbox

id = sqlbox-db

smsbox-id = sqlbox

bearerbox-host = localhost

bearerbox-port = 13001

smsbox-port = 13005

sql-log-table = sms_sent

sql-insert-table = sms_send

log-file = "/var/log/kannel/sqlbox.log"


group = oracle-connection

id = sqlbox-db

username = scott

password = tiger

tnsname = //

max-connections = 1


group = smsc

smsc = smpp

smsc-id = SMPP-RX

host = x.x.x.x

receive-port = 8324

#port = 8324

#transceiver-mode = true

smsc-username = smppUser

smsc-password = smppPasswd

system-type = default

interface-version = 34

enquire-link-interval = 30

dest-addr-ton = 1

dest-addr-npi = 1

source-addr-ton = 1

source-addr-npi = 1

connection-timeout = 100

alt-charset = 0


#Routing messages

group = smsbox-route

smsbox-id = sqlbox

smsc-id = SMPP-RX


####### End Config file ########



Best regards


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