Hi Mardo,

It would help if you explain how you want to use kannel, as sms gateway or smpp 
proxy? (Because you mention crating new SMPPs)
I will help you with the configuration, but I advise you to read the manual in 
order to understand what effect the directives in the configuration mean.


From: users [mailto:users-boun...@kannel.org] On Behalf Of Mardo Jeghalian
Sent: 12 July 2017 13:04
To: users@kannel.org
Subject: Facing issues while configuring Kannel

I'm new to Linux, trying to install Kannel on Ubuntu, but i'm facing some 
problems in configuring your service. Kindly may I have a configuration done by 
your behalf for kannel.conf? Our SMSC is on the network with IP, 
on port 6000, username is 'nour' and password 'nour'. We don't use modem or 
GSM. Please may you help with this issue? Furthermore, can you assist me in how 
to create new SMPPs and how to send and receive SMS? Thank you in advance...

 Mardiros Jeghalian

Mobile: +961 <tel:+961%2076%20913%20392> 70 660611
Web: www.aplimedia.net<http://www.aplimedia.net/>
Aplimedia S.A.L. (Off-Shore) | P.O. Box 13-5412, Beirut, Lebanon
Tel:  +961 1 785383<tel:+961%201%20785%20383>


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