dear all I am using kannel to send sms to our subscribers through the telecom company , the problem is i have 200,00 subscriber but the success rate between 25k and 30k which is very small number , i looked into the logs file but could not figure out what i am missing , is the configuration ,or the kannel ,or it is the sms center , does the network infrastructure also play role in this .
i really appropriate any one point me where to start looking to solve the problem Attached is my kannel configuration group = core admin-port = 13000 smsbox-port = 13001 admin-password = mavas status-password = mavas sms-combine-concatenated-mo = true log-file = "/usr/local/gateway/mavas.log" #log-level = 0 box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*" box-allow-ip = "" dlr-storage = spool dlr-spool =/var/spool/kannel/dlr #unified-prefix = "+358,00358,0;+,00" access-log = "/usr/local/gateway/access.log" store-type = spool store-location=/var/spool/kannel/store #--------------------------------------------- # SMSC CONNECTIONS group = smsc smsc = smpp smsc-id = "mavastel" host = *.*.*.* port = ***** transceiver-mode =true #receive-port = 8313 smsc-username = "00000" smsc-password = "0000000" system-type = "SMPP" throughput = 30 #reconnect-delay = 60 allowed-smsc-id= "mavastel" preferred-smsc-id ="mavastel" log-file = "/usr/local/gateway/mavastel.log" #address-range = "" #--------------------------------------------- # SMSBOX group = smsbox bearerbox-host = sendsms-port = 13013 #global-sender = 8208 mo-recode=true #sendsms-chars = "0123456789 +-" log-file = "/usr/local/gateway/smsbox.log" #log-level = 0 access-log = "/usr/local/gateway/access1.log" #--------------------------------------------- # SEND-SMS USERS group = sendsms-user username = mavas password = tdPwD max-messages = 10 concatenation= true default-smsc = none #--------------------------------------------- # SERVICES group = sms-service keyword = default get-url = " http://localhost/vms/getsms.php?sender=%p&to=%P&k=%k&d=%d&t=%t&q=%q&a=%a&smsc=%i&msg=%I " max-messages = 3 concatenation = true omit-empty = true