Hi, coinhosting

Can you guide us about the installation and preparation? I tried to use
SQLBOX before but I'm facing a lot of problems.

One more question, do you recommend to install & prepare the server via the
apt-get repositories or via compilation source code?


On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 3:50 PM Web Services <coinhost...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> 2 servers is possible if you use kannel with sqlbox. on first server
> install kannel and sqlbox and on second server keep only for reporting.
> make a cron job script on second server which access sqlbox table
> (Remotely) and insert data in local DB
> we are using this method from last 2 years and works fine
> thanks
> Deepak
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 5:37 PM Davor Spasoski <davor.spaso...@onevip.mk>
> wrote:
>> 1. Yes, just dedicate unique ports to your two instances of the boxes
>> 2. This is actually a very good question to which I don't have an answer.
>> It is certainly possible to instruct both instances to use the same DB,
>> typically used as a store and/or DLR repository, but I wonder how will
>> kannel handle the concurrency? Load balancing is usually brought on kannel
>> table in the context of balancing between SMS centers, not instances of
>> kannel. It's best if you try, and you would probably need to set same
>> smsc-ids, etc. I'm interested of the results.
>> If you wish to accomplish kannel redundancy another way is to  use
>> active/standby kannel, and I don't see a reason why wouldn't this work.
>> BR,
>> Davor Spasoski
>> one.Vip DOOEL Skopje | Ploshtad Presveta Bogorodica 1 | 1000 Skopje |
>> Macedonia
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: users <users-boun...@kannel.org> On Behalf Of Gert Tamm
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 12:29 PM
>> To: users@kannel.org
>> Subject: Kannel multiboxing.
>> Hello,
>> I have question if you could multibox kannel in one computer?
>> And how to set up 2 servers with one database to load balance the sending
>> of SMS?
>> --
>> Tervitades/Best Wishes,
>> Gert Tamm
>> Süsteemiadministraator/System administrator
>> E-mail: g...@messenger.ee
>> Direct Messenger OÜ
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