Dear Davor
Thank you and appreciate your prompt response.

Yes, as shown below I tried without url encoding the payload and even removing 
the encoding tag from the XML document. BUT STILL NO LUCK

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone = "no" ?>

Please assist.

Sent on the move. Please excuse typos.

> On Aug 23, 2019, at 8:11 PM, Davor Spasoski <> wrote:
> Have you tried not url-encoding the payload?
> Your form may already encode the entire xml.
> Davor
>> On Aug 23, 2019, at 14:12, Rasika Udayanga <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I’m trying to send Sinhala (Sri Lankan) letters through Kannel and that 
>> works perfectly with GET method with coding 2 and charset utf-8
>> Have you tried not url-encoding the payload?
>> Your form may already encode the entire xml.
>> Davor
>>> On Aug 23, 2019, at 14:12, Rasika Udayanga <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I’m trying to send Sinhala (Sri Lankan) letters through Kannel and that 
>>> works perfectly with GET method with coding 2 and charset utf-8
>>> When I try to send as a XML Post as shown below (having message text 
>>> url-encoded and without encoded), the messages are delivered to IPhone BUT 
>>> Can someone please assist me as to where I’m doing wrong here. 
>>> <?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone = "no" ?>
>>>     <message>
>>>         <submit>
>>>          <da><number>94777289868</number></da>
>>>         <oa><number>94115753753</number></oa>
>>>         <ud>%E0%B6%BB%E0%B7%83%E0%B7%92%E0%B6%9A</ud>
>>>         <dcs><coding>1</coding><mclass>1</mclass></dcs>
>>>         <from>
>>>         <username>bellvantage</username>
>>>         <password>password@123</password>
>>>         </from>
>>>         </submit>
>>>     </message>
>>> <?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone = "no" ?>
>>>     <message>
>>>         <submit>
>>>          <da><number>94777289868</number></da>
>>>         <oa><number>94115753753</number></oa>
>>>         <ud>රසික</ud>
>>>         <dcs><coding>1</coding><mclass>1</mclass></dcs>
>>>         <from>
>>>         <username>bellvantage</username>
>>>         <password>password@123</password>
>>>         </from>
>>>         </submit>
>>>     </message>
>>> Regards,
>>> Rasika Udayanga
>>> 0777289868
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