On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 8:03 PM Thomas Benardo
<thomasbenard...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kushal Das. I want to fund the website hosting. So if you want, I want
> to provide a hosting package free of cost with the stated requirements. And
> I don't want to provide payment directly, you can pay for the hosting from
> my UPI handle. so that I know that funds are being spent on correct place.
Thank you for your offer. But, I don't think we have proper financial
steps taken
to receive and pay to foreign companies. We host/do nothing on Indian
servers (just
for information). And we do spend thousands of Indian rupees per month.

> Also regarding collection of funds for the seminar/etc. We are thankful if
> the speakers take out time from their busy schedule and do this or
> otherwise if they want payment in return then I don't think it is a good
> idea it maybe just a trap for paying.

I know many of our speakers personally and their average hourly rate
for a consultation
is in hundreds of dollars. They do help us out for free of charge as a
help to the community.
But, if someone is going to suggest to use *X, Y or Z*, they should be
ready to provide
all technical help, or actually proper ready to use machines etc which
any other speaker can use
directly. Otherwise people will only use what is available to them,
and IRC is available from 1988
onward, and it works on their systems and also on our participants
slow network connections.

> Can't they do this like Open Source developers do. Taking the seminar as an
> open source project.

If you need proper support for production for any open source project,
you will have to pay to the
developer or company who provides supports. So, I don't see the point
of open source means no
money anywhere when it comes to production usage.

Public Interest Technologist, Freedom of the Press Foundation
CPython Core Developer
Director, Python Software Foundation
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