On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 1:16 PM Mrinal Raj via Users
<users@lists.dgplug.org> wrote:
> > Please have a read https://lawgon.livejournal.com/34609.html
> >
> > Well points mentioned here are truly applicable to me and my current
> > situations.
> I lack communication and I promise much more than I can deliver. Also I
> > lack in pre- planning things which I now realize needs to be changed.

Kenneth always did speak plainly, honestly and was authentic. Now, all
of us from time to time fall into the habit of "wait, let me do this
wee bit and I'll provide an update". Figure out a way in which you can
reward yourself when you (over) communicate. With time you'll learn
which part of the update is necessary and where lie the trimmings.
Putting together a plan is based on knowledge gained from patterns. As
an example, if you have been regularly going in hikes (or, traveling)
you unconsciously acquire the method of getting ready/packing.
Similarly for projects - the more you do or, participate, the better
your skills become in being able to sharpen estimates and plan for the

> Thanks Kushal for the link
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