On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 10:51 PM Sayan Chowdhury via Users
<users@lists.dgplug.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you might have noticed that there have been no classes scheduled in
> the last few days and except for few, no one raised a question about
> what happened to the classes either on the list or on IRC.
> We, mentors, are disappointed with the level of interest this year's
> summer training students have shown. Firstly, most of them don't
> attend the class and rely mostly on logs. Secondly, and the most
> important part is the completion of the home task. 90% of students
> don't complete the home task and in return have excuses ready.
> Going forward, here are a few things I would be doing:
> - I won't be updating the calendar with the class schedule.
> - No logs.
> - Stringent checks of the home tasks.
> And from the students' side, the behaviour needed is:
> - Regular update about the work.
> - If you are missing classes, a mail should be sent to the list
> mentioning the reason you missed well in advance.
> I would be taking another 3 classes and If I don't see any
> improvement, I will have to cancel this year's summer training.
> Next class will be on 1st August 11 PM IST and before that, I would
> need an email from the students with the updates of the home tasks in
> last 15 days (again, remember there will be stringent checks on the
> attentiveness to detail).
> --
> Sayan Chowdhury <https://yudocaa.in/>
> GPG Fingerprint : 0F16 E841 E517 225C 7D13  AB3C B023 9931 9CD0 5C8B
> Q: How can I use more inclusive language? A: https://heyguys.cc
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Blogs that I have written -
1. https://aniruddhab.home.blog/2019/07/24/understanding-various-git-commands/
2. https://aniruddhab.home.blog/2019/07/22/filter-your-commits-through-git-log/
3. https://aniruddhab.home.blog/2019/07/21/authenticate-github-using-ssh/

Also I practiced git commands that mentioned in
https://github.com/joshnh/Git-Commands .
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