On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 5:20 PM Kushal Das via Users
<users@lists.dgplug.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> You should watch this talk for the answer.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvN3XH2Jtr4

what i learnt

1. Nobody becomes an expert. We gain knowledge and skills and
opportunities, based on what we learnt in the past, by accretion.
(ergo ABL, Always be learning)
2. Pradyun exemplifies something that Peter Kaufman talks about a lot.
Go first. Carpe Diem.
3. Pradyun is probably also a serendipitous example of what Seth calls
an impresario. The girl who gets other folks together to put on a
show. They others might be experts, but you learn exponentially by
being in their company. And the best part is you *made* this group. Or
you found it and decided to be of service.
4. To have patience.
5. Do the work.
6. To realise and be aware of the privileges you have and to use them for good.
7. To appreciate the folks, whose shoulders you stand on

Pradyun, the talk was well scripted, and really well delivered.
Between the work you do and the message you spread, you really are a
big inspiration to me.


P.S. Your Cheshire Cat smile at 29:06 is endearingly funny :)
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