On 28-01-16 16:09, Maarten Bout wrote:

I'm wondering if there's a possibility to combine a DLP in the subject, and a 
DLP in the body.

Encryption should triggering on the words: trigger1, trigger2

For example
Subject contains: trigger1
Body contains: trigger2

I'm using the following regexp: trigger1.*(\n|.)*trigger2

When the subject or the body contains: trigger1 and trigger2, the email gets 
But when the subject contains: trigger1, and the body contains: trigger2, the 
email doesn't get encrypted

Does anyone have any experience with this situation?

Unfortunately, matching on multiple message parts is not supported. For performance and memory reasons, a message is scanned part by part and the headers of the message are considered to be a separate part. So if you have a multipart message, every part of the message is scanned on it's own. In principle it should be possible to modify the code to combine all parts into one large part and scan the complete text. This however makes scanning slower and require more memory.

What is the kind of DLP scanning that you want to accomplish? Only DLP scan if the subject contains some string?

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

CipherMail email encryption

Email encryption with support for S/MIME, OpenPGP, PDF encryption and
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