On 03/02/2016 08:34 AM, sree...@managed-me.com wrote:
> Hello All,
> Our Djigzo installation has stopped working. We are now getting the
> following error when we try to login to Djigzo:
> Login failed
> Back-end is not running or not yet fully started up
> From djigzo.log, we are seeing the following error:
> org.apache.avalon.phoenix.containerkit.lifecycle.LifecycleException:
> Component named "djigzo" failed to pass through the Parameterizing
> stage. (Reason: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:
> Error creating bean with name
> 'mitm.application.djigzo.service.GlobalPreferencesPlaceholderConfigurer#0'
> defined in file [/usr/local/djigzo/conf/spring/services.xml]: Cannot
> resolve reference to bean 'globalPreferencesManager' while setting
> constructor argument; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
> bean with name 'globalPreferencesManager' defined in file
> [/usr/local/djigzo/conf/spring/services.xml]: Cannot resolve reference
> to bean 'userPreferencesCategoryManager' while setting constructor
> argument; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
> bean with name 'userPreferencesCategoryManager' defined in file
> [/usr/local/djigzo/conf/spring/services.xml]: Cannot resolve reference
> to bean 'keyAndCertStore' while setting constructor argument; nested
> exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:
> Error creating bean with name 'keyAndCertStore' defined in file
> [/usr/local/djigzo/conf/spring/services.xml]: Cannot resolve reference
> to bean 'keyStoreProvider' while setting constructor argument; nested
> exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:
> Error creating bean with name 'keyStoreProvider' defined in file
> [/usr/local/djigzo/conf/spring/services.xml]: Instantiation of bean
> failed; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Factory
> method [public static mitm.common.security.keystore.KeyStoreProvider
> mitm.application.djigzo.service.DjigzoServices.buildKeyStoreProvider(java.lang.String,mitm.common.hibernate.SessionManager)
> throws
> java.security.KeyStoreException,java.security.NoSuchProviderException,java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException,java.security.cert.CertificateException,java.io.IOException]
> threw exception; nested exception is java.security.KeyStoreException:
> DatabaseKeyStore not found).

Hi Sreerag,

This is an old issue and was solved a while back with release 2.8.6-3


for more info

You need to upgrade to a newer release. In the mean time you might try
to revert Java to an older Java version.

> Upon checking the logs we could see that java has been updated from
> 1.6.0_24 to 1.6.0_38. We tried downgrading to 1.6.0_24 but the issue
> still exists.

I don't know exactly which Java release started to have this problem
(this is also changes between Linux releases) but it should work with
the older Java version. Perhaps your Java runtime uses multiple packages
and you only reverted one package?

The best thing to do however is upgrade to a newer release. The version
you are using predates 2.8.6-3 so it's quite an old version.

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

CipherMail email encryption

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