On 03/07/2016 09:04 PM, Stefan Michael Guenther wrote:
> Hello,
> is it somehow possible to re-inject an email, that has for whatever reason 
> not been encrypted, into Ciphermail?
> We don't want to bother the original sender, but want to try to use the 
> existing email for debugging.
> Thanks for any suggestions,

Hi Stefan,

Do you want to inject the raw MIME message into the SMTP server? If so
there are different ways to do this. One option is to use telnet. This
gives you the highest flexibility but is not so easy and max message
size is limited.

You can also use curl:

curl --url "smtp://server.example.com" --mail-from "t...@example.com"
--mail-rcpt "t...@example.com" --upload-file some_raw_mime_file.eml

Note: the above line should be one line

There are other tools which can do a similar thing.

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

CipherMail email encryption

Email encryption with support for S/MIME, OpenPGP, PDF encryption and
secure webmail pull.


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