On 05-10-17 17:25, Olaf Schwarz via Users wrote:
Hi all,

is there a way to export all "keys" (pgp public keys and S/MIME public
keys) from a ciphermail instance?
So far I found a way to import keys via the backend
(mitm.application.djigzo.tools.CertManager). This is already very helpful.
But I could not find a way to export.
Doing it one by one via the web-interface is not an option. Would need a
solution which can be automated (preferably via a cron job).

Any hint/help would be very much appreciated.

At the moment there there is no command line tool supporting export. However adding this functionality is not difficult. I'll see whether I can make a tool available which allows you to export the PGP public keys and certificates.

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers
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