On 30-01-18 12:37, Stefan Günther via Users wrote:

we just setup the pdf encryption on ciphermail 3.3.1-0 for one of our clients.

When he sends me an email with 2 images and a pdf attached to the email, the 
email is encrypted. But when I open it, the attachments are missing.

Is there a parameter in the logging options which we should increase to find 
out, what happens to the attachments?

Could you check whether it works after you enable the PDF advanced setting "Deep scan" (see https://jira.djigzo.com/browse/GATEWAY-89 for more info about "PDF deep scan")

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

CipherMail email encryption

Email encryption with support for S/MIME, OpenPGP, PDF encryption and
secure webmail pull.


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