Hi Martijn,
Thank you for your reply!
Yes, the actual delivery of the emial.
Best regards,Gabi
    On Thursday, February 15, 2018, 12:52:37 PM GMT+1, Martijn Brinkers via 
Users <users@lists.djigzo.com> wrote:  
 Hi Gabi,

On 14-02-18 20:59, Gabi Munteanu via Users wrote:
> Hi,I'm having some issues while trying to send an email to a specific
> address, if sometimes fails to send the email and in the log I see
> this.13 Feb 2018 23:59:38 | WARN Error while building path for
> certificate. Certificate: Issuer: CN=CA xx BT 98, O=xx eG, C=xx;
> Subject: OID., EMAILADDRESS=info@xxx,
> GIVENNAME=xxx, SURNAME=xxx, CN=xxx,
> SERIALNUMBER=00000000015038638001, C=DE; Serial: 70F82D24FC0561EB;
> Thumbprint:
> 8047A76666C97E003E6671F9268049643877959118E5DD801366543D1E1218016ED4D0387B909DBC8F3102DA765D3C971D5B1A24BF855139BAAE80F806164869;
> SHA1: 974E2E84650CF628954BB0F56858431A0BAFFB1D. Message: There are no
> roots. (mitm.common.security.crl.CRLStoreUpdaterImpl) [CRL Updater
> thread]
> The problem is that if I try again after a while it works. Checked
> the certificate for this email address and it is valid. What else
> should I check? Thank you ! 

The WARN message from the MPA log tells you that you do not have any 
root certificates installed. This however only means that S/MIME 
certificates are not trusted (unless you add them to the CTL). Email is 
therefore not S/MIME encrypted. This however does not impact email 
delivery unless you require email to be encrypted and then the email 
will be bounced.

What do you actually mean with "sometimes fails to send the email"? The 
actual delivery of the email to the recipient?

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

CipherMail email encryption

Email encryption with support for S/MIME, OpenPGP, PDF encryption and
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