> On 22-03-18 18:23, Stefan Günther via Users wrote:
> > we just installed Ciphermail as virtual machine on a Univention Corporate 
> > Server (UCS).
> > 
> > The idea is that UCS grabs emails via fetchmail, sends them to the 
> > Ciphermail VM and finally stores them in the local Kopano installation.
> > 
> > In the configuration of postfix@UCS I have defined the following transport 
> > map:
> > 
> > in-put.cm smtp:[]
> > 
> > in-put.cm is defined as a relay domain in Ciphermail.
> > 
> > The problem now is, that the email loops between UCS and Ciphermail: 
> > Everytime Ciphermail returns the email to postfix@UCS the email is 
> > forwarded to Ciphermail due to the transport map.
> > 
> > I have no idea, whether we could change anything in the Ciphermail 
> > configuration, so that postfix@UCS recognizes that the email already has 
> > been forwarded once or do we have to change the configuration of 
> > postfix@UCS?
> > 
> > Thanks for any hint or suggestion,
> I do not completely understand your setup but I might have some suggestions.
> Option 1. rewrite the recipients domain to some internal name after the 
> message has been handled by CipherMail.
> For example rewrite from input.cm to input.cm.handled. The postfix@UCS 
> should be configured to also handle the domain input.cm.handled and not 
> only forward email to CipherMail if the recipient domain is input.cm 
> (and not input.cm.internal)
> Option 2. Add an additional smtpd handler (on a different port) to 
> master.cf of postfix@UCS and set transport_maps for that port to an 
> empty value (note I have not tested whether you can override 
> transport_maps for an smtpd service). Then tell CipherMail to deliver to 
> that special port.
What about Option 3: TCP/IP communication between postfix on UCS and Ciphermail 
in the virtual machine?

Instead of using 


I defined


In master.cf I defined the djigzo transport and told postfix to listen on instead of, configured Ciphermail to listen 
on and forward emails to
Finally I deactivated all firewall rules for testing.

Then I send an email from the command line of the UCS:

Mar 29 13:50:14 ucs postfix/qmgr[26618]: A40FF481158: 
from=<root@ucs.ciphermail.intranet>, size=327, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 29 13:50:14 ucs postfix/smtp[26689]: A40FF481158: 
to=<m.mustermann@in-put.solutions>, relay=[]:10025, 
delay=0.28, delays=0.11/0.04/0.06/0.06, dsn=5.7.1, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 5.7.1 Requested action not taken: 
relaying denied (in reply to RCPT TO command))

As we can see, the email is forwarded to Ciphermail and according to netstat, a 
java process is listening on But this connection attempt 
is not recorded in /var/log/djigzo.log.

Is the some line in the configuration of Ciphermail that limits connections 
only to ip

I guess this setup, with a separation of postfix and Ciphermail on two 
different hosts would solve my problem.

Thanks for any hints/suggestions,


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