
today a new threat againts encrypted e-mail (PGP and S/MIME) is in the news:


From what i understand the basic problem is that it is possible to inject special data in already encrypted e-mail, which than will be reported back after decryption with HTML URLs to the attacker and can be used to derive the key used for encryption.

So i guess one would need the following conditions to be true for the attack to succeed

- The MUA access external URLs to load content in HTML e-mail (automatically)

- The e-mail will be decode despite the altered content (not vaild signed at least)

- Probably many e-mails are needed to get the oracle attack to work?

So for Ciphermail there should be no direct problem because it does not "read" the e-mail or obey URLs in the e-mail? But the question remains if there is a possibilty to prevent the "vulnerable" clients againts attack e-mail passing Ciphermail by not decrypting them or something like that?

Maybe i'm totaly wrong, but thanks for any feedback on this



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