On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 09:35:49PM -0500, Jim wrote:
> FC12-x86_64/KDE
> #yum install
> Error: Database disk image is malformed
> I removed /var/lib/rpm/__db.** files
> And then I did a ;
> #rpm --rebuilddb *
> But that still doesn't help when running yum.
> What am I not doing right?

I ran into this once recently, when I hit Ctrl-C at an inopportune
moment while yum was running on that window.  Like you, thought it was
the RPM database that was corrupt, and like you did the same thing to
no effect.

# yum clean all

had no effect either.

To resolve, I deleted all the contents of /var/lib/yum/.  It's kind of
heavyweight, but it resolved it.  You may try simply deleting
/var/lib/yum/history/* first, and see if that's sufficient (assuming
you don't need to be able to have yum roll back completed transactions
to some previous state).  If not, try deleting yumdb/ there.

There may be a better way to handle this, but I'll let the yum experts
chime in then.


Matt Domsch
Technology Strategist, Dell Office of the CTO
linux.dell.com & www.dell.com/linux
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