2010/1/25 Mike Dwiggins <m...@azdwiggins.com>:
> Joseph L. Casale wrote:
>>> Anyone heard of libcrypto.so.8 and/or where I can find it?
>> Google suggests via rpmfind that it's an older (v<1) openssl lib from F11?
> Ach, did not think of goggle.  That sounds about right, the package that
> calls for it has it's last version as F 11.  Guess I will have to roll
> back to keep the Boss happy!
> No way I will be able to convince him to wait for the new version.

Security and bug maintenance ending next summer is not good enough
reason for upgrading? Of course you still have a few months of support
in F11 available, but eventually you will probably need to upgrade it.
Fedora is not very good a distro for long term use unless you have the
upgrades planned into your usage.

Joonas Sarajärvi
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