On Monday 25 January 2010 14:12:33 Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>   i started in on this a while back, then got dragged away.  now i
> want to finish it, so if anyone has already gone thru this, that would
> be just ducky.  if you have no problem with making that recipe
> publicly available and have no web page, i can provide one at my wiki
> for everyone else's benefit.

I helped a colleague to do this on and off and I think we got the emulator 
running. Haven't had time to replicate it myself on my 64-bit F12 test machine 
though, so I don't really have a complete "recipe" yet. But here are what I 
remember from the top of my head:

>   first issue:  AFAIK, you can't create a fully 64-bit install of
> that -- you'll need to install a number of 32-bit packages.  but feel
> free to convince me otherwise.

Yes, Android SDK is all in 32-bit, so you need to install 32-bit library, I 
think, these are the packages you need (plus any of the dependencies that yum 

$yum install glibc.i686 ncurses-libs.i686 libstdc.i686 libstdc++.i686 \
libzip.i686 libX11.i686 libXrandr.i686 

I may be missing 1 or 2 packages. Try running the emulator from command line 
and see if it complains about missing some libs, and then you'll just have to 
track down the 32-bit package and install it. Usually, I just do something 
locate <libraryname>
rpm -qf <whatever given by locate above>
This will get the package name, then do "yum install <packagename>.i686>"

Also, follow Wendell Nichols suggestion to just download 32-bit Eclipse from 
their website directly. We were having trouble using Fedora's Eclipse. 
(Incidentally, running the 32-bit Eclipse may also complains about missing 
library, so you just have to do the steps above to resolve it)

There's also some problem with rendering and buttons on the Eclipse not 
responding when click. The workaround is to set this env. variable:

Also there is a problem with the phone emulator crashing with seg fault and 
give a core dump, due to some sound problem. The workaround is to use extra 
flag to disable sound for the emulator:

/path/to/emulator -no-audio -avd em16

where em16 is the name of a particular phone emulator configuration 
that is set up under Eclipse with the Android plugin. So you have to run the 
emulator separately from Eclipse this way, since Eclipse has no way to pass 
those argument (AFAIK). (I suspect this also has something to do with some 
missing 32-bit library, but I haven't had chance to track that down)

So, there's your "recipe" :). If you try it and get it to work, feel free of 
course to just edit it in more coherent way post it on your wiki (and point me 
to it so I can use it test it too on my other machine).

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