On Saturday 30 January 2010, Frank Cox wrote:
>On Sat, 2010-01-30 at 17:58 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> WTH?  It put it in /root/rpmbuild.  Whodathunkit.  Ok, cd'd to
>> /root/rpmbuild. man rpmbuild I suppose.
>You're complicating things far more than they need to be.
>yum install rpmdevtools
>rpmbuild --rebuild whatever.src.rpm
>cd ~/rpmbuild
>See the RPMS, SOURCES, SPECS and SRPMS subdirectories.  Look inside for
>Read the rpmbuild manpage for many other wonderful things, such as -bb
>using a spec file (in the SPECS directory, of course) to create a new
>rpm and srpm after modifying stuff in SOURCES.
Thanks Frank, I'll see if I can make some headway in this tomorrow.

Cheers, Gene
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