Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Ed Greshko wrote:
>>>> The sound on my Thinkpad T43 (model 1871-12G) sometimes works,
>>>> and sometimes does not work.
>>>> However, I'm not really asking about this,
>>>> but rather: Is there a simple way of testing if sound is working?
>>>> I'm running Fedora-12/KDE, and looked at System Settings=>
>>>> Look and Feel=>Notifications ,
>>>> but did not really understand how one is supposed to use this.
>>>> Is there a simple command-line test for sound?
>> Go to .... Notifications as you have....  There is a pull down Event
>> Source menu....Select Konsole....
>> Go to "Bell in Non-Visible Session" to copy the name of the file
>> KDE-Sys-App-Message.ogg in the Play a Sound area.
>> Then go to "Bell in Visible Session"....paste the name of the sound and
>> check the "Play a sound" box.  Then Apply....
>> From now on...if you hit backspace or make some sort of error a beep
>> will be played.
> Thanks for the response.
> I tried this, but unfortunately did not get a peep out of it.
> I can play CDs with internal speaker or headphones, with Amarok or KsCD,
> but none of the Notifications seem to work.
> Is there any CLI command for making a noise from a .ogg fil3
mplayer /usr/share/sounds/KDE-Sys-App-Message.ogg  (or any .ogg file)

works for me...

"Jesus saves...but Gretzky gets the rebound!" -- Daniel Hinojosa

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