Last week I noted on my dwewsktopfirefox could not load the website:

while other websites were OK. For this website loading starts but then
Firefox crashes with an abrt error. In /var/log/messages I find the
following error messages which I would like help explaining:
Jan 31 04:18:53 saturn abrtd: Directory 'ccpp-1264933133-1979' creation
Jan 31 04:18:53 saturn abrtd: Lock file
'/var/cache/abrt/ccpp-1264933133-1979.lock' is locked by process 2004
Jan 31 04:18:54 saturn abrtd: Lock file
'/var/cache/abrt/ccpp-1264933133-1979.lock' is locked by process 2004
Jan 31 04:18:55 saturn abrtd: Lock file
'/var/cache/abrt/ccpp-1264933133-1979.lock' is locked by process 2004
Jan 31 04:18:56 saturn abrtd: Lock file
'/var/cache/abrt/ccpp-1264933133-1979.lock' is locked by process 2004
Jan 31 04:18:57 saturn abrt[2004]: saved core dump of pid 1979
to /var/cache/abrt/ccpp-1264933133-1979/coredump (166711296 bytes)
Jan 31 04:18:57 saturn abrtd: Getting local universal unique
Jan 31 04:18:57 saturn abrtd: New crash, saving
Jan 31 04:18:57 saturn abrtd: Registered Action plugin 'RunApp'
Jan 31 04:18:57 saturn abrtd:
RunApp('/var/cache/abrt/ccpp-1264933133-1979','test x"`cat component`" =
x"xorg-x11-server-Xorg" && cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log .')
Jan 31 04:19:04 saturn abrtd: Getting crash infos...
Jan 31 04:19:13 saturn abrtd: Getting crash infos

I don't know the purpose of ccpp-1264933133-1979  but it is not produced
on my laptop when loading this same web-page. There is no:
/var/cache/abrt/ccpp-1264933133-1979.lock file that stays around and I
would like to have help finding what process 2004 is it that is locking
that file at some point in the process. Does anyone understand what is
causing these error messages.

If I stop abrtd I can load the web-page. I found konqueror can load this
webpaage but has problems with loading links that appear on it.

I would appreciate any help you'all could give me because I am
frustrated and mystified by all of this.

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