On 01/31/2010 02:20 AM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Roger wrote:
>> Please Fedora get rid of nouveau until it's the same quality as Fedora.
> Fedora is never going to get rid of the best Free as in Speech driver
> available for that hardware. We do not support proprietary drivers, or any
> other proprietary software really, if you want to install that stuff, you're
> on your own. As far as we're concerned, it "does not exist". Proprietary
> drivers are just plain not an option for us to ship, and we can't fix any
> issues in them, so we can't really do anything other than ignoring them.
>          Kevin Kofler

Then maybe there should be a blacklist all 3d applications until you 
install 3d.  The Gallium 3d for the Nouveau driver isn't supplied by 
Fedora yet.

You can install 3d applications but they won't run and you get an error 
message.  Been through that route.

FWIW, I do run the Nouveau on a laptop that mainly is for word 
processing.  No 3d required, yet but all other computers use 3d.

Robin Laing
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