On Wed, Feb 03, 2010 at 13:58:14 -0700,
  Robin Laing <robin.la...@drdc-rddc.gc.ca> wrote:
> I say support the company that supports their customers.  I would prefer 
> OSS but that is not always the option.  Just as using Linux all the time 
> instead of Windows isn't either.

We are both sort of saying that, but we are expecting different kinds of
support. I want documentation released so that my hardware will continue
to be usable for a long time. (I use lots of hardware that you would probably
consider obsolete.)

> The developers must understand that the users want systems to do their 
> work with.  This requires 3D and acceleration in this day and age. 

I also want 3d accelleration to work and hope that Fedora can find more
resources to speed up some of the 3d development going on here.

> People going to "Joe's Computer Store" down the street will purchase 
> pretty modern hardware.  If they cannot install Linux, then we have lost 
> a user to Windows.  I would rather see nVidia getting their money than 
> Microsoft.  But that is me.

A lot of those people shouldn't be using Fedora. Ubuntu is currently (and
for the foreseeable future) a better linux distro for people that just
want things to work. (Graphics might get better soon, but media is going to
have problems for a long time due to software patents and the DCMA.)

I want to mention one issue for the proprietary nVidia drivers that hasn't
come up in this thread yet. They don't work (at least when I last tried this
with the rpmfusion packages) on live spins.
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