On Sun, 07 Feb 2010 21:36:44 -0500
CAS <radio...@covad.net> wrote:

> I am using an FTDI232RL usb-to-serial converter for a serial port on 
> my laptop running Fedora 12.  For some reason, this is recognized, 
> but I am unable to communicate with the device.  When I plug in the 
> device on my desktop running Fedora 9 it works fine (I do need to add 
> myself to a different group to have access to the usb port however 
> (uucp vs dialout).  Here are the responses to the various commands 
> showing that it set up properly:

The drivers for the two versions are pretty different. One thing that is
worth checking is that the newer USB serial driver versions properly
honour carrier handling and the like.

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