On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 09:00 -0600, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
> Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > I know ipv6 is going to be in all our futures, but for the moment it's
> > just a PITA. My ISP doesn't support it and my /var/log/messages is
> > overflowing with complaints from named (I run the basic caching
> > nameserver configuration).
> Are you seeing messages like this?
> named[27331]: network unreachable resolving 'fedoraproject.org/DS/IN': 
> 2001:500:f::1#53
> named[27331]: network unreachable resolving 
> 'fedoraproject.org.dlv.isc.org/DLV/IN': 2001:502:2eda::23#53
> Change your named.conf to have the following to suppress those messages:
> logging {
>          channel default_debug {
>                  file "data/named.run";
>                  severity dynamic;
>          };
>          channel default_syslog {
>                  syslog local2;
>                  severity warning;
>          };
> };
> I would agree that the default named logging output is far too verbose.

I'll try that, but since it just affects the logging, does this mean
that named is still trying to do ipv6 lookups all the time?


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