On 09/02/10 07:36, Tim wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 16:59 -0500, Bob Goodwin wrote:
>> I just added "myaccount.wildblue.net" to the Firefox "no proxy for"
>> list and that seems to satisfy an access problem I didn't know I
>> had.
> If that's you're only need to access an unusual port, then bypassing the
> proxy would be a good solution.  There's not going to be a real need for
> a caching proxy between your browser and one site to check your account.
> In fact, going through a caching proxy when you want to see fresh pages
> can be a problem, in itself, if the site has bad expiry time settings.
> If you *needed* to go through a proxy (e.g. all your traffic had to go
> through a proxy, or lots of LAN users were browsing the same resource,
> and it was costing you bandwidth), then you would want to fix up your
> proxy to work.

    Ok, that sounds reasonable, but despite setting "no proxy for" I
    still see the security alert?



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