On Tuesday 09 February 2010 17:31:40 Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
> I've been using compiz for the last few weeks, but the click-to-focus is
> driving me stark raving bonkers.  How do I turn it off?
> System->Preferences->"Compiz Settings Manager"->"General
> Options"->"Focus & Raise Behaviour"->"Click to Focus"->unchecked seems
> to have no effect.

Worksforme (F12, 64bit, KDE).

When checked, you should click on a window to get it focused. When unchecked, 
you just point at the window, and it gets focused automatically (focusing is 
immediate, while "auto raise delay" option controls the speed of bringing the 
window to front once it has focus). AFAIK, it works as it is supposed to.

> Is it being overridden somewhere?  Do I need to do something with "Focus
> Prevention Windows" on the same settings page?

I didn't need to do anything other than unchecking the option above.

Maybe it gets overridden by something else? What window decorator do you use? 
What desktop environment?

Try creating a new dummy user, turn on compiz there and try the focus option 
(without customizing anything else in compiz). Try to do it in KDE and in 
Gnome. Try to change the decorator to Emerald, or KDE4 Window Decorator, or 
whatever Gnome uses...

HTH, :-)

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