On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 23:00:44 +1030, Tim wrote:

> I can't say that I've ever noticed it crash (across several different
> Fedora releases).

The memory corruption symptoms may be new. Perhaps specific to F-12 since
its development.

> The only problem I've noticed was when a network
> interface went up or down on a system with more than one interface (such
> as ethernet and wireless), that it might flip over to the other at one
> transition, but not return back again.
> e.g. I was on wireless, then went wired, then went back to wireless.
> I configured it to just watch wireless, as that was what I mainly used.

To "follow the default route" is the behaviour for the "Default" device
selection. Selecting a specific device from the list of available devices
turns of that feature.
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