On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 12:45 AM, Paul Allen Newell <pnew...@cs.cmu.edu> wrote:
> Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> I prefer changing something in /etc/sysctl.conf because it's clearly
>> where this kind of configuration change belongs. Changing ifcfg-eth0 may
>> or may not work at the moment -- I'm guessing it probably does -- but
>> it's a kludge that depends on the functioning of a specific script which
>> in some future version could change.
>> It's a judgment call based on many years experience of messing with
>> systems and having the floor move under my feet :-)
>> poc
> poc:
> Interesting points, but not certain whether I agree. Given that the
> "IPV6INIT=no" seems to be an accepted option in ifcfg-eth0, I am not
> certain whether it is a "kludge". Actually, I picked up the info about
> it from this list in 2008 while trying to figure out how to get my local
> network behaving along with internet access and this was "the suggestion
> du jour". Mind you, there were cavaets about issues on LANs, but I never
> saw any problems and it certainly did the trick. And I can't understand
> how LANs would not respect ifcfg-eth0 on each machine of the local net
> (but I'm a newbie in that area, so my "understanding" may be ignorance).

i have the same gut reaction as poc, but I think that i can narrow it
down to the fact that sysctl is switching it off at the kernel level,
rather than disabling it for the code that sets up the interface.
that said, if they both work, then use what ever floats your boat.
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