On 02/12/2010 10:01 AM, Tom Horsley wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 11:28:01 -0500 (EST)
> Tom Diehl wrote:
>> KVM seems to
>> aggravate the problem in that if I have virtual machines running the problem
>> happens sooner. IOW I get longer uptimes between lockups if the virt machines
>> are shutdown. I am not sure if that is relevant or not.
> Just have them running, or using the virt-viewer and virt-manager
> to look at them as well?
> May be the same problem I'm having here:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=541387
> Many things would freeze my display, but virt-viewer seemed to
> provoke it much more frequently. I've now switched from radeon
> to radeonhd and disabled many video accelerations with options
> in the xorg.conf file and I haven't crashed in a long time.
> Here's the relevant bit of my xorg.conf:
> Section "Device"
>       Identifier  "Videocard0"
>       Option      "DRI" "off"
>       Option      "AccelMethod" "shadowfb"
>       Option      "NoRandr"
>       Option      "UnverifiedFeatures" "off"
>       Driver      "radeonhd"
> EndSection
> I also have to specify nomodeset on the kernel options
> in grub.conf.
I have VMware Workstation 7 on my laptop running F12.  Yesterday I had 2 
VMs running, one was F12 (KDE) and one Ubuntu 9.10.  I was in the 
process of updating my F12 VM.  After a few minutes the system started 
to degrade.  By degrade I mean the mouse would be slow to move, screen 
redraws would take up to a minute, moving from one virtual dektop to 
another would take up to one minute, etc. When I tried to switch from 
one VM to the other the system started to really degrade, the disk light 
was on solid and it was impossible to do anything.  At one point the 
clock on my desktop showed 4:00 PM while my watch showed 4:07 PM.  This 
system degradation went on for at least 20 minutes at which point I gave 
up and power cycled my laptop.

I have noticed that whenever I run a VM the system starts to degrade, 
part of the problem is due to disk access, but I have also noticed that 
both processors spend 75 - 90% of the time in wait state.

In my case part of the problem maybe that all my VMs are on an external 
USB drive.

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