inode0 wrote:
> It if were brand new they could do whatever they pleased to create it.
> But it isn't brand new. And it isn't just two businesses who can tell
> their paid staff what to work on tomorrow.

How long has MeeGo be around for?

> Does Fedora bicker over
> which shell it wants? Does Red Hat require the shell to be bash? Who
> makes that decision? This is getting as silly as the arguments over
> rpm now.

Precisely what I was driving at.

> I think if we compare how Fedora's "corporate sponsor" has gone about
> helping to create, foster, and empower its community and compare that
> with the Nokia/maemo relationship there are valuable things to be
> learned.

I couldn't agree with you more, but there is hope in that Nokia is 
pairing up on the effort and wishes to expand (explore?).
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