On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Larry Brower <la...@maxqe.com> wrote:
> In addition, you may wish to reference RFC 2822 which obsoletes RFC 822
> http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.html
> --

Yes, that is clear. Okay, humble pie, yum yum, urp.

I still think 
could be improved, in that few who actually understand it would
consciously violate it, but few who lack understanding would be
enlightened by reading it.

"When you send in a new topic, do not start by replying to an existing
message, but rather, start a new message to
"users@lists.fedoraproject.org". This keeps messages organized by
thread, for people who like to use threads (on high-volume mailing
lists like this one, threads can be a great convenience). "

maybe should be...

"When you send in a new topic, do not start by replying to an existing
message, but rather, start a new message to
'users@lists.fedoraproject.org'. The 'reply' feature adds headers to
an email that will identify it as being part of the same thread as the
email to which it is replying, and that will cause confusion. A new
topic should have not only a new subject but begin a new thread.
Threads help many readers deal with the high volume of email flowing
through lists like this one. Your cooperation allows your fellow
readers to appreciate your contribution without technical hiccups. "

It's a bit long-winded. Hmmm.....
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